Biochemistry of Anaerobic Microbes Lab
Working at the intersection of Chemistry and Microbiology
Our approach
We employ an interdisciplinary approach to examine processes that have a significant impact on the global carbon cycle, alternative energy, and biomedicine. We work at the interfaces between chemistry, anaerobic microbiology, and biophysics and studying process that are important in the global carbon cycle, alternative energy, and biomedicine. A major focus of our research is on developing a molecular understanding of the proteins involved in electron transport coupled with energy conservation and stress response in anaerobic microbes. The research questions we address in my lab are addressed using a broad spectrum of research methods, including molecular biology, genetics, protein expression and purification, spectroscopy, transient state kinetics, and structural biology.
Lab news
A postdoctoral position is currently available in my lab. The position details can be found at https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:VA6C2:a2d9e19a-c4e3-436a-b336-d420f1e83261 . If you are interested, please contact me by email at divya.prakash@siu.edu.
Spring 2024
The lab received ARPA-E DOE funding ($1.1M) for hydrogen harvesting in collaboration with Dr. Shimin Liu at Penn State and Dr. Satya Harpilani at SIUC.
Fall 2023
Two seed grants have been awarded to the lab:
1. Soybean Research Grant
2. Advanced Research Institute.
Spring 2023
A first grant of $158 K was awarded to the lab.
Fall 2022
The lab welcomes doctorate students Mahmudun Noby, Cat Nimmno and Neelima Bhatt!
The lab welcomes first undergraduate Hannah Kruse!
Our lab/office is conveniently located at SIU (Southern Illinois University).
School of Chemical and Biomolecular Sciences
Office: Neckers 325
Lab: Neckers 309/307
1245 Lincoln Drive
Carbondale, Illinois,
62901. USA